CYPRESS is Claudia Penzkofer

She was born 1965 in Frankfurt/Main

has 12 years of experience in public ralations:
from 1997 to 1998 she was Head of Promotion at MEGACULT in Cologne.
The following 10 years, until 2008, she worked in several PR Departments of Universal Music GmbH
·  regional Manager Press Promotion / Cologne
·  Press PromotionManager / Hamburg
·  Manager Press Island Mercury / Berlin
·  Press Promotion Manager Polydor/Island / Berlin
·  Senior Press Manager International Division/ Berlin

has been living and working in Italy, Brazil and Japan

enjoys travelling 

is fluent in English and Italian and did study French once ...

worked with many domestic and international artists

her focus is on press publications of all kind, yet she has access to potent online, radio and TV networks

is open minded, mixes well, quick, enduring, reliable, dedicated, convincing, and is a true dyed blond